A fiduciary advisor is good to have; but, YOU are a kind of fiduciary, too!
Your family depends on you, which means you have the responsibilities a fiduciary would have. Step one, of course, is knowing where your important documents are.
Here’s a checklist to help you get your ducks lined up.
Hope you find this helpful.
If you would like help, of course, we can always visit by phone.

Jim Lorenzen is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® professional and An Accredited Investment Fiduciary® serving private clients since 1991. Jim is Founding Principal of The Independent Financial Group, a registered investment advisor with clients located across the U.S.. He is also licensed for insurance as an independent agent under California license 0C00742. The Independent Financial Group does not provide legal or tax advice and nothing contained herein should be construed as securities or investment advice, nor an opinion regarding the appropriateness of any investment to the individual reader. The general information provided should not be acted upon without obtaining specific legal, tax, and investment advice from an appropriate licensed professional.