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Plan with a

Who is also a Fiduciary Advisor

Jim Lorenzen, CFP®, AIF®
James Lorenzen, CFP®, AIF®

The purpose of financial planning is to develop objective wealth management strategies to arrange resources in a way that is consistent with your personal values.  Success is not measured in performance statistics (a loser’s game) but rather in progress toward achieving personal goals – the only real-life benchmark that counts – and avoiding bad decisions.

You can begin planning your tomorrows right now!


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Wealth planning and tax-managed strategies for individual investors.

All about your advisor, the IFG philosophy, and answers to most frequently asked questions.

What are your values and your life goals?

Concerned about navigating the risks in life?

Understanding the Diversification Puzzle


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Protecting Wealth from Inflation

We all know the Fed target is 2% inflation; but, since COVID-19 and all the accompanying spending, it’s been tough going for the Fed. While the rate of inflation has been slowly declining, it’s still stubbornly around 3% – and with people living longer, it can still spell disaster for those facing retirement, especially with longer life expectancies.

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Key Retirement Milestones

Retirement milestones should actually begin the day you leave school and enter the workforce; but few people think about retirement at that age. They’re too busy starting careers. If they achieve early success, they won’t even be worried about retirement. It’s been my experience that it’s after age 50 they come through my door. By that time they’re done with stock tips and chasing rainbows.  Age 50 has a way of making all of us start thinking.

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