Retirement often contains surprises. All you have to do is turn on the news to see what’s happening today; and here’s more bad news: the only change will be more change. It’s been going on since our first truly contested election back in 1800 when Thomas Jefferson had to fend-off Aaron Burr to see who would face John Adams in his bid for re-election. Anyone who thinks politics is divisive today should see what it was like then – or sixty years later when states were leaving the union. But, I digress.
There are generally four stages to retirement:
> Pre-retirement – working and saving
> Early retirement – “Go-go” years
> Mid-retirement – Go-slow years
> Late retirement – No-go years
And, the surprises will continue through all the stages. How to address it all? Well, there are four basic keys, which you can have by clicking here.
For those interested in learning more about tax planning in retirement, attend my free webinar! I think you’ll find it helpful. You can learn more here.