Is Your Income/Tax Picture Common or Uncommon?

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Jim Lorenzen, CFP®, AIF®

A brown square with an image of a bird.Is your income common or uncommon?

Most of us think our income is pretty normal, according to most of the studies I’ve seen. That may be because we see our neighbors living in the same neighborhood we do; driving the same type of car; and probably making similar incomes. The people we hang out with are probably similar to us, too. Sure, we know there are people who are poor and others who are filthy-rich; but, that doesn’t mean our incomes are uncommon…. or does it?

How much money do you have to make to be in the top 1%? – the 1-percenters we all hear about. How about the top 10% or even the top half of all Americans? And, how much of the total tax revenue do people who are like you contribute?

According to MoneyTrax®, Inc., these are the numbers (rounded-off):

The Top__%

Total HH Income % of Total Tax Revenue Paid


$369K+ 37


$161K+ 59




25 $69K+


50 $34K+


So, not only are those who’s combined household income totals $69,000 or more in the top 25% of all households, they’re also paying 87% of tall the income taxes paid.

With our national debt now over $18 trillion and with the handwriting on the wall – have you ever seen Congress lower the debt ceiling? – there may be a message for the Baby-Boomers who are getting within ten years of retirement: It just might (I’m being kind) get worse.

Do you have a plan? It might be a good time to start.




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Jim Lorenzen, CFP®, AIF®

Jim Lorenzen is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® professional and An Accredited Investment Fiduciary® in his 21st year of private practice as Founding Principal of The Independent Financial Group, a fee-based registered investment advisor. He is also licensed for insurance as an independent agent under California license 0C00742.  IFG helps specializes in crafting wealth design strategies around life goals by using a proven planning process coupled with a cost-conscious objective and non-conflicted risk management philosophy.

Opinions expressed are those of the author.  The Independent Financial Group does not provide legal or tax advice and nothing contained herein should be construed as securities or investment advice, nor an opinion regarding the appropriateness of any investment to the individual reader. The general information provided should not be acted upon without obtaining specific legal, tax, and investment advice from an appropriate licensed professional.

Jim's picture
Jim Lorenzen is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® professional and An Accredited Investment Fiduciary® in his 21st year of private practice as Founding Principal of The Independent Financial Group, a fee-based registered investment advisor. He is also licensed for insurance as an independent agent under California license 0C00742.

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