2022 Decisions Can Affect 2024 Taxes for Some!
Expecting a big capital gains or other tax event this year? It might mean an unexpected tax surprise that can affect your Medicare premiums two years from now!
Expecting a big capital gains or other tax event this year? It might mean an unexpected tax surprise that can affect your Medicare premiums two years from now!
Tax traps are waiting. Did you it’s possible to be smack in the middle of the 22% tax bracket, yet taking an additional $1,000 in income could make that additional money taxable at 40%? It can happen to some taxpayers. In fact, there are other pitfalls many aren’t aware of, as well.
Remember 1966? What if you retired then? Would it have made a difference if you retired in 1967 instead? Can you time retirement? If not, how do you reduce your risk when there’s no time to rebuild all over again?
Have you checked your Social Security statement on the SSA’s website? You should; there’s a lot of good information there!
If you’re a baby boomer, you may want to begin your Social Security planning early – and it’s especially true when it comes to claiming Social Security! Today it’s different from when your parents filed their claims: they just went down to the Social Security office and put in the paperwork! Today, it’s far more complicated.
Retirement planning was much easier during working years than the challenge of managing after retirement. During the working years it’s relatively simple: just keep stashing money into your retirement plan and let the markets, over decades, do the rest!
We’ve all been conditioned to believe the well-known 529 plan is the “designated” college savings vehicle – people tend to think of it automatically when planning.
There may be times when a Roth conversion may be advantageous; but there are others when it may not be your best move.
Social Security can be confusing; even the hard-working people working in Social Security offices don’t always get it right. Here are the two questions advisors often get asked.
We all love free money; and no taxes on Social Security sounds good! Hey, Social Security benefits weren’t taxed for many years!
As you may or may not know, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act is due to expire at the end of next year – just 16 months from now. The Biden Administration has proposed new tax increases worth knowing about.