Author: Jim Lorenzen

Like the S&P 500 Index?

Like indexing?  Like the S&P?  You can get an index fund!  Sounds good.  Let’s face it, most (virtually all) investment management companies fail to beat the S&P index on a consistent basis.  We all know that.

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Hidden Surrender Charges

I don’t know anyone, certified financial planner professionals included, who is a fan of surrender charges; but, economically they are a fact of life for many products simply to make the offering available and viable for the investment or financial product provider.

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No RMDs for 2020!

Required minimum distributions (RMDs) have been eliminated for 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic; but, you just might want to consider taking a distribution anyway.   Why?

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Are the Markets On Their Way Back?

Increased debt, the worry of a debt spiral, low yields, and future taxes – all make a solid plan more important than ever. Unfortunately, too many put it off until the’re “confident’, but they never get there.

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