Author: Jim Lorenzen

A SECURE Act Defense Strategy

Congress labeled it the SECURE Act, because it’s a better sell to the public. But, what Uncle Sam really wanted to do was make their spending programs more secure – hence, securing reelection.

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To Roll or Not to Roll

Good question. Whether or not you should roll-over your retirement funds to an IRA….. it depends (#1 in the consultant’s handbook of responses).

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Does The SECURE Act Make You More Secure?

Looking for retirement security?
Government spending has been out of control for decades and Congress needs to raise revenue. So, they passed The SECURE (Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement) Act in December 2019. It may secure the government’s future; but, one provision may make your heir’s retirement a little less secure.

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Beware of Tax Torpedoes and the IRMAA Cliff

Tax traps are waiting. Did you it’s possible to be smack in the middle of the 22% tax bracket, yet taking an additional $1,000 in income could make that additional money taxable at 40%? It can happen to some taxpayers. In fact, there are other pitfalls many aren’t aware of, as well.

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