Year: 2021

Here's an alt tag for the image: Social Security Administration logo, USA.

When to Name a Trust as your IRA Beneficiary

IRAs are popular choices as a retirement vehicle, today holding over $11 trillion in assets, estimated to comprise more than one-third of all retirement assets. What’s interesting is that naming trusts as IRA beneficiaries has become more common.

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Stressed woman overwhelmed by paperwork.

Women and Social Security Land Mines

Bad decisions can create time bombs, and few decisions can be as disastrous as those that result from the mistakes many women make when it comes to claiming Social Security benefits. This is particularly true for widows, divorced spouses, and stay-at-home parents.

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A group of people sitting around a table with cake.

IRA Rollover Mistakes Can Be Irrevocable

IRA rollover mistakes are easy to make and could be impossible to correct. It’s worth understanding that every time IRA or 401(k) money is touched, it’s a gamble for those who don’t know what they’re doing.

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Here's an alt tag for the image: `People taking notes in a meeting.`

Noise vs News

In a social media world, many believe whatever they read on the internet – and accept credentials at face value. Media noise and news can be hard to differentiate.

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